Get Curious Before Getting Furious: How Cynicism Impacts Behavior on Scene
3/14/23 at 10:00 AM to 3/14/23 at 11:55 AM
Police officers frequently battle cynicism when dealing with constant negativity and difficult situations. However, when officers utilize the four pillars of fairness and answer questions before they’re asked, they can increase opportunities for positive interactions. Join Sergeant (Ret.) Jason Lehman of the non-profit organization “Why’d You Stop Me?” to explore what curiosity looks like, as well as additional strategies to reduce cynicism and embrace conflict while changing outcomes and increasing officer safety.
You’ll Learn:
• Six additional tools* to continue building trust within your community.
• How to reduce frustration and think more effectively in the face of conflict.
• Ways to practice kindness and increase positive interactions.
• How to rethink policing to better serve your community.
*Watch our earlier webinar, Conflict at the Fence: Tools to Turn Critics into Advocates, to get the first six tool.