Subrogation Recovery
According to Black’s Law dictionary, the definition of subrogation is “the principle under which an insurer that has paid a loss under an insurance policy is entitled to all the rights and remedies belonging to the insured against a third party with respect to any loss covered by the policy”.
PERMA has partnered with AdminSure and attorney Katherine Sandoval for members that need assistance pursuing recovery. Each vendor will pursue recovery and charge fees based upon the following structures:
Option 1: AdminSure
First referral:
$1.00 to $50,000 18% of the gross recovery
$50,001 to $100,000 15% of the gross recovery above
$100,001 and above 10% of the gross recovery above
Second placement: (meaning a file was placed elsewhere prior to AdminSure’s initial efforts)
$1.00 to $50,000 25% of the gross recovery
$50,001 to $100,000 23% of the gross recovery above
$100,001 and above 18% of the gross recovery above
Gross recovery is the amount recovered without deduction for costs or legal fees. An incident is defined as a single occurrence, case, loss or accident. Contact Michael Reed at for more information.
Option 2: Attorney Katherine Sandoval of Matthiesen Wickert & Lehrer, S.C.
Contingency basis (hourly rates: $200 partners; $175 senior associates; $165 associates)
- 25% – pre-suit (non-litigated)
- 33% – suit filed (litigated)
Hybrid – hourly basis for investigation
- Once the investigation is complete, the hourly amount is credited toward the final contingency
- Assets check
- Restitution notice to district attorney
- Uninsured claims; including suspended California Drivers License
- Promissory note/payment plans
Contact Katherine at or (800) 637-9176 for more information.
PERMA also provides template letters to assist members that wish to pursue the recovery of damages owed from third parties on their own.
Members that would like to consult with PERMA before pursuing subrogation (discuss subrogation procedures, determine the appropriate letter of communication to the responsible party and/or insurance company) may email Beth Lyons or call (760) 258-4255.
Members that participate in the property/auto physical damage program should report damage to scheduled property and vehicles. If a third party was responsible for the damage to scheduled property/vehicles, PERMA’s TPA, AdminSure, will assist the member in pursing subrogation.