Workers’ Compensation

The Workers’ Compensation program provides statutory benefits for employee injuries arising out of and in the course of employment, and employers’ liability coverage.  PERMA uses Athens Administrators for TPA services (see important links and documents in the right hand menu options).

Members may select a self-insured retention of either $50,000, $100,000, $150,000, $200,000, $250,000, or $500,000, pending actuarial review and Executive Committee approval. The pooled coverage limit, per accident, is $500,000 with excess coverage providing statutory limits for workers’ compensation and $5,000,000 for employers’ liability through a combination of pooling and excess coverage.  PERMA is a member of the Local Agency Workers’ Compensation Excess  Joint Powers Authority (LAWCX) for excess coverage.


LAWCX Risk Control Resources

LAWCX developed a risk control resource webpage so members can more easily access the benefits and services provided under the risk control service plan. Resources include:

  • Return-to-Work Program Template
  • Wellness Program Tools
  • Job Analysis Library and Template
  • Infectious Disease Outbreak Response Plan

Workers’ Compensation Claims Concierge Service

Workers’ Compensation claims are complicated and challenging. Disputes, dissention, litigation, and fraud all tug for claims dollars. PERMA has partnered with ALC Claims Collaboration to offer a claim concierge service that puts the injured worker first and focuses on positive outcomes when there are specific issues, or an employee is uncomfortable with the course of action outlined for the injury. ALC also provides independent review on complex cases to ensure members are comfortable with the case strategy outlined by the adjuster.

To make a referral, the primary workers’ compensation contact at the member agency should email with the employee’s name, date of injury, and a brief description of the issue at hand, or contact ALC by phone at 949.470.2252. (Spanish bilingual collaborators are available.)

Cost is $135/hour and is billed to the claim file as an expense.

Declarations of Workers’ Compensation Coverage

In the past, the “Declarations of Coverage” documents were posted on the PERMA website and emailed to the members (historical declarations of coverage).

Beginning with the 2022-23 Program Year, the information has been integrated into the Memorandum of Coverage (MOC) document and thus will no longer be provided separately. Please see pages 2 (Declarations) and 3 (Schedule of Covered Members which includes retentions).

If your agency receives a request from a third party to provide proof of coverage, you can provide the MOC as proof. If the agency will not accept the MOC (e.g. it requested to be named as an “Additional Covered Party” (aka additional insured)), please request a “Certificate of Insurance” from PERMA’s website.


Resolution Extending Workers' Compensation to Volunteers